Sunday, 14 June 2015

হাইড্রোপনিক্স একটি কৃষি উৎপাদন সিস্টেম - Hydroponics as an agricultural production system

Hydroponic production of fresh vegetables, herbs and cut flowers.

VEGETABLES          PH          CF          PPM

Artichoke           6.5-7.5      8-18      560-1260

Asparagus          6.0-6.8     14-18     980-1260

Beans                6.0           20-40     1400-2800

Beetroot            6.0-6.5      8-50      1260-3500

Broad beans       6.6-6.5      18-22     1260-1540

Broccoli             6.0-6.8      28-35     1960-2450

Brussell sprouts   6.5           25-30     1750-2100

Cabbage            6.5-7.0      25-30     1750-2100

Capsicum       18-22     1260-1540

Carrots              6.3           16-20      1120-1400

Cauliflower         6.5-7.0       5-20      1050-1400

Celery               6.5            18-24     1260-1680

Cucumber          5.5            17-25     1190-1750

Eggplant            6.0            25-35     1750-2450

Endive               5.5            20-24     1400-1680

Fodder               6.0           18-20      1260-1400

Garlic                 6.0           14-18      980-1260

Leek                  6.5-7.0      14-18      980-1260

Lettuce              6.0-7.0      8-12       560-840

Marrow               6.0           18-24     1260-1680

Okra                  6.5            20-24     1400-1680

Onions               6.0-6.7      14-18      980-1260

Pak choi             7.0            15-20     1050-1400

Parsnip              6.0            14-18      980-1260

Peas                 6.0-7.0        8-18      980-1260

Pepino               6.0-6.5       20-50     1400-3500                         

Potato               5.0-6.0       20-25     1400-1750

Pumpkin             5.5-7.5       18-24     1260-1680

Radish               6.0-7.0       16-22      840-1540

Spinach             6.0-7.0       18-23      1260-1610

Silverbeet          6.0-7.0       18-23      1260-1610

Sweet corn        6.0             16-24      840-1680

Sweet potato     5.5-6.0       20-25      1400-1750

Taro                 5.0-5.5        25-30     1750-2100

Tomato             6.0-6.5        20-50     1400-3500

Turnips             6.0-6.5        18-24      1260-1680

Zucchini            6.0             18-24      1260-1680


Basil                 5.5-6.5       10-16       700-1120

Chicory             5.5-6.0       20-24       1400-1600

Chives              6.0-6.5       18-22       1260-1540

Fennel              6.4-6.8       10-14       700-980

Lavender           6.4-6.8       10-14      700-980

Lemon balm       5.5-6.5       10-16       700-1120

Marjoram           6.0            16-20       1120-1400

Mint                 5.5-6.0       20-24       1400-1680

Mustard cress    6.0-6.5       12-24       840-1680

Parsley             5.5-6.0        8-18        560-1260

Rosemary          5.5-6.0       10-16       700-1120

Sage                5.5-6.5       10-16       700-1120

Thyme                5.5-7.0        8-16        560-1120

Watercress       6.5-6.8        4-18        280-1260

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IST 2022

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EV Academy